I just finished a serious cleaning frenzy, and I'm delighted (if a tad embarrassed) to say that after more than four years of living in apartments with crappy trap-every-molecule-of-dirt textured linoleum kitchen floors, I've finally figured out how to clean them. Apparently you spray them with Windex and then - this is the important bit - scrub the living daylights out of them, in at least two directions, with a stiff plastic bristle brush. Note: this apparently causes "noises" in the apartment downstairs. Sorry, neighbor.
On the upside, cscrubbing for an hour has allowed largely-unsupervised reduction of a whole lot of ancient red wine, which I'm hoping means I'll end up with a lovely rich syrupy sauce base that I can freeze and use for speedy delicious dinners down the road. I'll report back later on how that goes.
But on to the whirlwind past few weeks:
1. Nearly a week in Jersey to attend my cousin's wedding (a black tie optional affair that involved my whole lab voting on a dress I then didn't choose, don't ask). S came down for the weekend and had such abysmal luck with his flights that he ultimately arrived about 15 hours late, and had to take the train back to Boston. Sigh. But I did get to see my family, walk Comet, and go to a They Might Be Giants concert with Rie and Jamie, thanks to Jamie's boyfriend kindly letting me use his ticket. Much appreciated, Nate.
2. Rock climbing in Tuolumne Meadows in Yosemite with the crew: Kristin, Christina, Joel, Dan, and Barbara. That turnd out to be more of an exercise in conquering my fear of heights than actual physical exercise, but I'm glad I went. Yosemite was beautiful, as expected, and I felt like I got to appreciate the park in a very different way from someone who goes and looks at the pretty waterfalls from the valley shuttle. Anyway, Joel collected a bunch of our pics into an album, so check it out!.
3. Hiking, biking, volleyball, dancing, you name it. This past weekend in particular involved a ridiculous amount of physical activity, lamentably at the expense of sleeping. But I was paticularly happy to go swing dancing again for the first time in years.
And, of course, I've also been working non-stop, planning experiments 2-3 weeks ahead, saying in lab untl 8 or 9 or 11 pm, and trying to troubleshoot about ten things at once. My current grad school mantra: I'm sure it's going to work one of these days...