Well, I've managed to move again, more or less. This time it's a fairly temporary stop on the road to Boston, which turns out to lead through my good friend Christina's apartment in North Berkeley. It might sound ridiculous to move so soon before I'm leaving for real, but I've viewed this move as an opportunity to shed baggage before I leave California (and to eliminate the need to pay double rent on my old place, since Suchi moved out a few weeks ago). Last night I sold lots of furniture - who knew that lamps were such a hot commodity? - and I've mailed off more than 200 lbs of stuff to live in S's basement for the next few months. I'm trying to give away clothing and unwanted kitchen items, and I've gone on a veritable frenzy of throwing things out. Admittedly, my new place - which I'm struggling to refer to as mine, not Christina's - is still filled with boxes, but a lot of them are empty, and Christina's two cats are having a blast with them.
Unfortunately, the downside of simplifying my life in May is that it's done the opposite for March. I haven't worked on my thesis in nearly a week, though I did analyze a chunk of data over the past few days, and I haven't been to the lab in quite a while either. My goal for today is to finish the first draft of my intro chapter so I can focus on my final sets of data (particularly critical since I don't know if I have enough yet!). We'll see. So far my major breakthrough for today was to realize that I am now only two block from my favorite Berkeley bakery, which makes it the perfect place to go when I need a break from not working :-)